About infrared (IR)
Astronomer Wilhelm Herschel discovered in 1800 while examining the sun light after spectral analysis, that an unknown component exists beyond the red light. The infrared (IR). Since that time scientists and experts have found out, that IR is an important factor in health promotion. Since 1980 scientific data is collected about IR and their effect on the health of human beings, IR is also known as heat radiation in general linguistic usage, as these rays produce a feeling of warmth when striking the skin. The infrared rays are physically electro-magnetic waves between the visible light and microwaves, which cannot be observed by the human eye. One differentiates between near, intermediate and far infrared. Near infrared is the shortest waved in the family of infrared rays. It comes immediately after the visible light. Far infrared is in contrast more long-waved and reaches up to the area of microwaves. There is no distinct separation according to wave-length. For orientation purposes one could use: Near IR / abt. 0.7 - 1.5 micrometer - medium IR / abt. 1.5 - 5.6 micrometer and far infrared FIR / abt. 5.6 - 100 micrometer (see illustration). 
Chinese scientists reckon 2 - 25 micrometer to be most effective therapeutically. The rays with carbon infrared systems are at 3 - 15 micrometer.
Dr. Ishikawa was the first in 1967 to design a model of a infrared heating system. Today the use of FIR-radiation (far infrared) is highly valued in Japan and Korea. Deepening investigations by Japanese scientists have found out, that the FIR radiation is similar to the mean "Qi" wavelength (8 micrometer) and which is released during a "Qi-therapy". This therapy has already been practiced by the ancient Chinese about 3000 years ago.
What is carbon and how does carbon fibre develop
Carbon exists in nature either in a pure, solid form as well as a chemical compound. Due to its ability to build complex molecules and its special thermionic configuration it has the highest diversity of chemical compositions of all chemical elements. One of which is the carbon fibre (carbon fibre strengthened synthetic material with an average of 5 - 8 micrometer).
This special technically complex process describes a combination of two materials in which the basic material carbon has been embedded. They are inorganic fibres, which have been constructed from graphite like with each other connected carbon atoms. The first time carbon fibres have been applied where in filaments consisting of bamboo fibres (Edison around 1890). Today aviation and space travel is unthinkable without carbon fibre. But also in medicine it is used more and more.
Attributes of carbon fibre:
• Is electrically and thermal very conductive
• Produces from little electric energy the maximum of
infrared waves with a high degree of efficiency
• Supplies a high radiant flux density and a quick reaction time
• Provides quick heating-up
• High tensile strength/breaking strength with a low weight