During the last 25 years especially Japanese and American sientists and doctors have intensively researched the infrared applications areas and have made miscellaneous discoveries. In Japan doctors specially founded an "Infrared Foundation" and research the effects of infrared rays as a healing method. Here a few samples of the different studies:
Measurements of the flow through during infrared treatment
An animal leg was radiated for 5 minutes with infrared rays, following which the changes in blood flow through have been determined. Prior to radiation 8.7 ml/min/100g have been measured, after radiation 15.6ml/min/100g, which means an enhancement of around 80%. The result of the study shows, that infrared waves can cause a striking increase of the flood flow through in bones. Correspondingly it was suggested that infrared rays are used to improve the blood flow through treatment in bones.
Scientific study: Dr. Kobu Y., Faculty of Health Science, Kobe University School of medicine. Source: Kobe J Med Sci, 45 (1) p. 27-39 1999 Feb.
Heat influences the physiological activity in the body
With heat blood vessels are widened, the blood pressure increases and the tonicity is reduced. At the same time body own morphine (endorphin) is discharged. These activities have inter-dependent effects. The decreasing muscle tonus as well as the discharge of morphine lead to a noticeable reduction of pain and a reduction in inflammations.
Lundberg, Karolinska Institute, University Stockholm, Sweden
Pleasant effect on nerve cells and creation of B-endorphines
Long wave infrared light (FIR) causes an extremely pleasant effect on the nerve cells, which are responsible for the retransmission of pain to the brain. It reduces the sensitivity of their ends. The discharge of body own, pain reducing substances like endorphine and enkepheline, e.g. from the brain and adrenal gland, is noticeable increased with treatment by FIR.
Biological activities caused by far-infrared radiation, Int. Journal of Biometerology 1989, 33, 145-150
Accelerated healing of tissues
Photons of FIR (Longwaved infrared light) penetrate deeply into the tissues and activate the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is a molecule, which acts as main carrier of energy within each living cell. FIR propagates the existing ATP and improves therefore the energy management of the cell, whereby nutrition can be absorbed quicker and waste products discharged. Expressed in a simple manner: Cells of sinews, ligaments and muscles heal quicker under the positive influence of FIR.
Scientific study: Dr. Kobu Y., Faculty of Health Science, Kobe University School of medicine. Source: Kobe J Med Sci, 45 (1) p. 27-39 1999 Feb.
Infrared rays accelerate the growth
A team of doctors from the Medical College of Wisconsin (Prof. Dr. Whelan) has made studies about the aid of infrared waves with injuries which are difficult to heal, like open legs, grave burns or damages of the mouth during chemotherapy. Observations showed, that infrared waves increased the energy level in the cells and accelerated the healing process. Following this the team around Prof. Dr. Whelan discovered in a laboratory, that the growth of muscle and skin cells increased by 150 to 200% with infrared waves. Furthermore it was discovered that patients with muscle skeleton injuries, which had been treated with infrared rays, showed a 40% better healing result compared to patients which had not been treated. How the cells transform the applied kinetic energy into accelerated growth is yet not totally known.
NASA News dated 18/12/00
Infrared light reduces the pain and the malfunction with joint ailments
During a scientific study to research into the treatment with infrared light patients have partly been treated with infrared rays and partly with normal light. The patients did not know to which group they belonged. The patients all had arthrosis of the knee. The group of patients which had been treated with infrared rays showed:
• A pain reduction by half
• A significant improvement of the joint functions
• That the time for consequential treatment increased from an average of 2 weeks to 6 months.
J. American Geriatric Soc. 1992 40 23-26
Building of new capillaries and accelerated blood flow
It is free of doubt, that FIR stimulates the blood flow in an optimal manner. Not generally known is however the knowledge that FIR causes a significant regeneration of capillaries in affected tissues. These newly build capillaries contribute considerably to a quicker healing process, to a quicker sealing of wounds as well as to a reduction in sore tissue.
Japan Res. Lab. Sleep Sci. 1988 published in the Int. Journal of Biometeorology 1989 33:145-150
Influences onto the muscle system
Achievements reported by Japanese doctors:
Diseases like arthritis, rheumatic arthritis, muscle spastics, pain of the back, adhesion, muscle cramps, compression fractures, reversed post-traumatic shocks, rheumatism and achillobursitis have been very positively influenced, when treated with infrared also in severe cases and the healing process accelerated.
Dr. Masao Nakumura of the O&P Medical Clinic in Japan has had outstanding achievements when treating with infrared with diseases like sciatica, menopause syndrome, arthritis, acampsia of the shoulder, sleeplessness, rheumatism, acne, indigestion and ear ailments. Physicians use infrared-heat today to treat tensions, swellings, stiffness, achillobursitis, vascular diseases, arthritis and algiomuscular pain.
Mc Graw/Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology
Further testimonials about the effect of infrared:
The dilatability of tissues is increased
This effect is important with damaged sinews, ligaments or muscles. The reduction in the risk of injuries with athletes by warming up with infrared has been demonstrated.
Infrared heat reduces the stiffness of extremities
When warming up to 45 degree Celsius (113F) immediately with stiffness of fingers the flexibility was improved. Other stiff joints and connective tissue reacted in the same manner.
Infrared heat reduces muscle tensions
Muscle tensions are released or removed even if these originate from problems of the joints, or neurological phenomenons. In these cases recovery was certain and quick.
Infrared heat soothes pain
By reducing the muscle tension pain is eased. The heat reduces the pain waves, in the nerve roots as well as the surrounding tissue. In studies, which are made about dental treatment, this phenomenon is mentioned in its anesthetic value. Heat can lead to the reduction of the endophine production and also influence the "spinal gate", so called by Melzack and Wall. Both acts soothing.
Infrared heat stimulates blood circulation
The body reacts to heat with higher blood circulation. The heating of certain parts of the body causes reflexes in other areas of the body and causes blood vessels to widen.
Infrared heat supports the recovery of abnormal and inflammatory processes
The application to support healing processes has increased in the last few years substantially. Focuses are placed on the supply of light tissue injuries, the stimulation of healing processes with chronic diseases as well as a large spectrum of diseases like hip joint ailments, menstruation pains, neurodermatitis, infectious eczema, postoperative infections, facial paisy, diarrhea, lung- and gallbladder infection, neurasthenia, pelvis infection and frostbites. Infrared ray heat treatment is being used in more than 40 reputable Chinese clinics for healing purposes and to combat pain.
Since a short time infrared heat is also used in cancer therapy
This method is completely new and still in its experimental stage. American scientists expect, that with correct use it could be a promising aid to support the cancer treatment therapies and for relief of pain.