Rolf-Göran Bengtsson
Olympic Silver medal winner 2008 "I am now using the C-IR-Sytems already since January 2009 and i am thoroughly satisfied with it. Exceptionally horses, which have to be that efficient like mine, need a lot stress relaxation and care.
Only healthy horses are able to deliver high performance and therefore it is very important to boost the musculoskeletal system. Even in my stressful daily grind the treatment is possible because of the easy handling."
Best regards

Phillip Rüping
European Team Champion Jumping "Especially the combination of the several medical treatments did satisfy me. I can easily see how my horses relax. I often use the C-IR-System before training and i really notice how the whole musculature loosens. That heat and infrared has good affects is known already since a long time in human medicine."

German training school for Dog Physiotherapy Katrin Vosswinkel
"We got to know the C-IR-System in our training school and praxis for Dog Physiotherapy some time ago. We bought a System for Dogs near the end of 2008. The processing is complex and a good quality and the handling for dog owners is very easy. We let the blanket with success to athletic dogs, but mainly to owners with old and ill dogs. Especially dogs with degenerative diseases like Arthritis, hip dysplasia and spine diseases profit from the C-IR-System. The ailments are very much relieved."
Best regards
Katrin Vosswinkel (geb. Blümchen)
German training school for Dog Physiotherapy
Im Winkel 61
32278 Kirchlengern
Tel. 05223-180218

Angela Solbau
Stablehand "I am working as a self-employed stablehand. My job is to look after the welfare of the horses day and night. I bought the C-IR-System for my own horse, but now I use it as a daily tool for the horses i look after. I am really thrilled. It is a pleasure to see how relaxed my horses are and how loosely they walk under the saddle. I can really recommend it."

Maria L. from Hamburg
Hobby rider "Since two years my horse has Arthritis in her back. The diagnosis was a big shock to me. From that time on she had a few relapses. Especially during the cold winter it is very hard for her. I use the C-IR-System for two month now and I am very amazed. She walks much more loosely over her back. I have the impression that the blanket is very good for her."
Best regards Maria